MYSQL CRON doesn't seem to work

infinityfree user: epiz_33268273

I have set up a mysql server and written a scraper for the Hot 100 chart that inserts song/artist into SQL. I set the scraper as a cron job to run every 5 minutes for initial testing and it is not populating my Infinity SQL DB. I have double checked all SQL credentials in the scraper (The scraper works fine on my localhost DB and inserts into my local SQL). But it is not populating the Infinity DB. If I try to run the scraper externally to populate Infinity SQL, I get an error in my local log file (No Root To Host). This may well be user error on my part. But as far as I can tell, everything is set correctly and it is just not working. I’m at a loss since I can find a way to trace external errors.

I may have found the issue. I have conflicting info for Password Info. In the mysql panel it says my PW should be my vpanel PW, but in MYSQL details it shows a different PW. I’m testing now with the other PW.

BadaBOOM badaBING that was the issue. The PW from MYSQL details worked fine. Happy Holidays.

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No, they are the same. However, please note that vPanel password == VistaPanel password == Control Panel password == Hosting Account password. This is not the same as the client area, which indeed has a different password.


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