Hi I am a school student and I have developed a small application for which I need online remote mysql connection, I am unable to pay price of premium hosting, is there any way by which you can give me only 20 or 30 mb of mysql remote server space, I really need it for my project.

Hello Jaskaran,

InfinityFree CAN NOT provide you remote MySQL Access at all. They would have to allow everyone access, however iFastNet their ISP does not allow them to do this.

I would recommend registering for a free hosting provider such as VimlyHost, which provides Remote MySQL access as standard and extra resources for students.

Live Support is also frequently available and free migration is available if you require it.

Best Regards,

Kieran Cairns

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I’m sorry, Remote MySQL access is not enabled on free hosting and will not be enabled either. We provide a website hosting service, not a database hosting service, so we don’t want our databases to be used a free data storage service.

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