Oh my god I'm stressed

I understand that issue, but what does it have to do with cURL? That issue is caused by either file size limits or script timeout limits, not cURL issues.

So what is this cURL issue you’re referring to?

This. Getting a wildcard cert for 1 domain is trivial. Getting wildcard certs for many thousands of resellers, many of which have multiple domain names, is hard.


Again: WE ARE WORKING HARD TO GET THIS. You want this badly. We want this badly. iFastNet wants this badly. Everyone wants this badly.

But simply wanting something does not make it easier to get it.

Free SSL for all domains is our goal, and is iFastNet’s goal. And WE ARE TRYING VERY, VERY HARD TO GET THIS, but we can’t.

That’s not a solution. If it was that simple, we would have done it from the start.

Getting our tool to allow subdomains is easy. In fact, blocking subdomains was implemented purposely, and removing that check can be done in minutes.

The thing is that WE don’t want to block people from getting SSL certs for their subdomains. The issue is that Let’s Encrypt doesn’t let us.

The reason why we implemented this restriction is because Let’s Encrypt will just not provide these certificates. That’s not something that can be fixed on the InfinityFree or iFastNet levels.

The problem is Let’s Encrypt rate limits. There is a limit on how many certificates can be created for a single domain. If you exceed the limit, no more certificates can be creation.

This limit is enough for “normal” domains, but really nowhere near enough for tens or hundreds of thousands of subdomains.

I looked into that option too. The certificates seem to come from some small Latvian provider. Their APIs are limits are not publicly documented, so it’s hard to say if they are a viable option.

Please do not that their supplier may also have rate limits, but not enough people know about this provider to hit those limits. If we start to officially integrate their service, we may hit those limits too and still won’t be able to get those certificates.


What i mean is Shapely needs Jetpack. But now, i think newcss theme and Pagelayer will be my new solution anyways.

Oh, I didn’t know about this.
I thought InfinityFree can’t provide it because the admin has not/hardly created the system for their own subdomains.
If like that, so all of resellers are impossible to use Let’s Encrypt for their own domains (for their customers subdomains).

I’m using FreeSSL Space API.


Yeah, Lets encrypt rate limit these, otherwise someone could (possibly) buy a wildcard for .co.uk, and everyone with a co.uk could get free ssl.

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That’s not quite how it works.

Let’s Encrypt will only issue 50 certificates per Registered Domain. A Registered Domain is a domain which is one level below a Domain Suffix. .com is one such suffix, .co.uk is also a suffix. And epizy.com is a single Registered Domain, meaning Let’s Encrypt will only issue 50 certificates for any subdomain of epizy.com per week.

Let’s Encrypt will not provide wildcard certificates for domain extensions, because domain extensions should never be used to serve a direct website, and any “subdomains” would be owned by third parties. So handing out the full wildcard cert to everyone who owns the domain would make it very easy for hackers to intercept requests to that domain extension.


Yup, I know, I meant to say ‘theoretically’, it’s the same principal, just an incorrect example.

Why 000webhost is better than InfinityFree

Thanks for coming to my presentation.

Why InfinityFree is better than 000webhost
  • No watermark
  • Uses latest version of PHP (7.4)
  • Forum community is welcoming
  • The Admin is nice
  • Admin calls this free hosting, it’s literally premium hosting
  • I prefer Hot Cheetos over regular Cheetos.
  • Wait, the above one was off-topic, better get back on topic!
  • InfinityFree uses iFastNet to power it’s hosting
  • Support is actually helpful
  • Unlimited subdomains

Thanks for attending my presentation.

Someone close this topic please. :frowning:

It’s just my opinion, but the only reason i picked IF is because it had way more features that 000webhost could have, including custom domains and the broken Cloudflare Enabler.


Okay then.

Zero 24/7/365 support? 000webhost is just not the way to go. 3 GB of Bandwidth, and 300 MB Disk Space for a free account.

Just my opinion, sorry if it offended you in any way.

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:eyes: that’s why I chose InfinityFree instead 000webhost






I am literally laughing reading this topic, lol from my view 000webhost is nothing in front of IF.

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