Open Source Social Network Support Through Softaculous

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Open Source Social Network Support Through Softaculous ?

I’m unsure what you mean by this. Could you elaborate further?


What does this tell me? I cannot help you if you don’t cooperate.

What is it that you are trying to achieve?

I want to install it on the domain / subdomain

It looks like it appears in the search, so you should be able to click it and install it

I checked Softaculous and it’s not there.

The Softaculous website has it, but the InfinityFree installation doesn’t have it.
You can try using the other Social Networks apps available on our Softaculous, or you could try installing it manually.
However, it looks like it needs 10 GB of disk space, so it could not work, since IF only has 5GB.


Installed it manually, You have an old version of PHP 7.4.8 You need minimum PHP 8.0 or 8.x

PHP v8.0 is not yet supported.

However, they are planning on adding it in the near future. Please read:


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