PHP mail()

Can I send account confirmation mails? if so: is there a time limit as in maximum emails I can send for a specific amount of time
If due to an error I somehow fail to meet the requirements of mail will my account get frozen immediately and have all files deleted (000webhost)

Can I send other emails: like a happy birthday message to every person once a year?


Our PHP mail() functionality is very restricted, so you cannot send such emails in the first place. You can only send confirmation emails using PHP mail().

is there a time limit as in maximum emails I can send for a specific amount of time for confirmation emails?

@kitokun10 said:
is there a time limit as in maximum emails I can send for a specific amount of time for confirmation emails?

I think there are some limits, but I don’t know what they are and I’ve yet to hear from anyone who hit the limit. I don’t think you’ll have to worry about hitting them.