PHP version and extensions

I love your free hosting.
I would like to install laravel on it.
It has requirements listed here:
PHP >= 7.1.3
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
XML PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension

Is it possible to achieve that on infinityfree host?
PHP version on cpanel available is 7.0,
checked extacly as:
PHP Version 7.0.19

Please help, becouse I would love to create a laravel webstie on your lovely host! :slight_smile:

As you can see, we don’t have PHP 7.1 yet, so running the latest version of Laravel isn’t possible. Some older versions of Laravel may still support PHP 7.0.

And before you ask, no, I don’t know when we will upgrade to PHP 7.1 (and 7.2).