Please give new ip



Error Message

Please give new ip
Now ip is
DB FTP and WP dont work. U can delete all with DB but give me create website with work ip

Other Information

U can delete all u want

Go to your client area and create a new account.
In your client area you are able to create three separate accounts.

The steps are:

  1. Go to your client area - Login to your account - InfinityFree
  2. Click the button Create Account
  3. Pray for a different IP address
  4. And… there you are! Now you have a new account with a different IP address.

When i do remove he tells wait 60 days

Yes, the domain should still be attached to your other account.
You can try to submit a ticket asking them to release it from the other account, but I don’t know if the problems that they are experiencing on the servers will allow them to do that.
Any way, if I were you, I would try submitting a ticket.


I open this Task thinking this is ticket. How sent Ticket ? Be sure to tell them your epiz_xxxx username, as well as the domain.

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Thanks Create ticket. Now waiting. If work i write.

You can just delete the domain from the account yourself. The only hard part is that the maintenance message is poorly placed so it covers up a lot of control panel functionality. But if you hide that with an ad blocker or by editing the HTML of the page, you can just remove the domain yourself.


Hi i sent my ticket and they delete. I create new and its WORK. I cant delete 60 days limit. When i hide or delete from HTML it dont work. FTP dont work too. But Now everything OK. Thank who help me.

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