Please help me faster

Username (e.g. epiz_30449341 )

This message it is show me when I opened my wordpress site it is told me that is a error in database like in the screen shot that I sent please help me faster I appreciate your time I need it to be solved in tomorrow in the morning please help me faster

Double-check that you have entered the right password and username in the config file.

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Sorry, there’s nothing we can do about this. You’ll have to wait until the problem is fixed on iFastNet’s end. In the mean time, please check this forum for updates.


Please make sure that the title represents your problem, and not a plea for help.

Additionally, can you please check your WP-config file to make sure that everything is correctly setup?


How I can edit it

Log in to FTP and look for wp-config.php.


There should be a file called wp-config.php, edit that file.

You cannot edit the title, just be sure to name things correctly in the future.

For the wp-config file, open the file manager, and look for the file called wp-config.php. Open it up and make sure its contents are correct.


Where I can find it

Open /htdocs


I find I should click on edit and what after

Yes… You need to open the file to view its contents. Make sure that the information in the file matches the information found on

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The password of SQL is not similar to the password in dashboard

Edit the password in the file and change it to the one in the client area.

When I opened my SQL database I find 2 database first in my dashboard other is different

This is related to a known outage. Please see the official announcement here.