Please note that it can take up to 72 hours for a new domain name to start working everywhere

but the site is not used on turkish servers, i can only login with vpn

It’s a European host, And it’s maybe because your ISP blocks our sites.


Clear your browser caches and try not to use vpn, and see if you can access login without vpn.

Try these:

  • Change your VPN
  • Use CloudFlare domain resolvers (aka CloudFlare DNS in your device settings.)

I hope these will works. Then try to browse InfinityFree websites again.

I have also a problem in my ISP last year and I tweak my device settings just to not block websites.


You can also try this, accessing blocked site without using vpn

  • Firstly, go to your computer’s ‘Control Panel’ > ‘Network and Internet’ > ‘Network and Sharing Center’ . Then click on ‘Change adapter settings’ .

  • Click on your ‘Wi-Fi’ In the Wi-Fi status box, click ‘Properties’ .

  • Scroll down until you see ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’ . Click on it.

  • Change the DNS Server settings to the numbers shown (Preferred DNS and Alternate DNS

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17 posts were split to a new topic: My site isn’t working