Problem free php scripts

I have the free formula and I am having issues with my php scripts. The first one is with a custom ShareX script to upload images to my domain.
It comes up with this error:
please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support</noscript></body></html>
I checked with admins from ShareX, it’s coming from the website.

Also, I was trying to do a pastebin like thingy and when I tried to save my paste (using the php script), it came with the following error:

Both script I use for the paste:

What am I doing wrong?
Should I enable something or is it a problem with my plan (because it’s free?)

Error with JS told problem pretty clear. Try other browser.

“This page isn’t working”: there error in uploader.php, i guess something like missed ; or etc.

Using your InfinityFree account as a free file sharing service is not allowed, you can only use your InfinityFree account to host websites. Any kind of automated/API access is blocked as well.