Problem: pages shared on social networks (Twitter Card Validator)


I’m testing the social share buttons. I have verified that when I enter an https url in Twitter Card Validator it does not recognize it, however if the url is http (without ssl) it recognizes it and shows the metadata (although something wrong). Who knows the reason for this?

what’s your site url?

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It is due to the security system:

Disabling that should fix your problem but You either have to use Cloudflare (since you’ve got a custom domain) or upgrade to premium.


Thank you very much for your interest, I am going to read it and try to do something.

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As I understand it, I cannot and is not allowed to disable it. How would Cloudflare help me? Where could I read about it?
After adding your domain to cloudflare, you will need to configure it to point to your site, Create a Cname record named @ and its value will be your main domain (can be found on cpanel of your site), then create another cname record named www with value @


I hope I don’t touch something that breaks everything! Thank you very much, you are very kind.

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Do I have to do this at Cloudflare?


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Thanks, I was wondering because I have already done it wrong, I integrated Cloudflare through Cpanel and now it does not allow me to handle DNS.

Just remove CF from VPanel.
Add your domain thru

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