Problem PHP function need to enable

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is:
The following warnings were detected when verifying that your server can run XenForo:

  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function exec via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function escapeshellarg via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function proc_open via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function popen via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function set_time_limit via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.

These will not prevent you from using XenForo, but they should be resolved if possible to ensure optimal functioning. However, you may still continue with the installation.

I’m using this software:
php script xenforo forum

Additional information:

The following warnings were detected when verifying that your server can run XenForo:

  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function exec via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function escapeshellarg via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function proc_open via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function popen via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.
  • Your server has disabled a core PHP function set_time_limit via the disable_functions directive in php.ini. This may cause unexpected problems in XenForo.

These will not prevent you from using XenForo, but they should be resolved if possible to ensure optimal functioning. However, you may still continue with the installation.

The message is self-explainatory: seen that we (and you) can’t enable functions on free hosting, you can still continue to install XenForo without any problem.


thanks for answer

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