Problem requesting an SSL certificate

I am stuck on request to get an ssl certificate for my domain ( I have followed the steps of a tutorial I found, but I get an error

Also I have already generated the key, and I also uploaded it (

I am very lost in this, I hope your help. Thank you

a, You can’t get the SSL until you have added the record for, which as dig says; 21599 IN CNAME 11776.BODIS.COM.

Which is the default CNAME holding page, so you may need to check you have added the record in the VPanel


So the 2 “acme” should be added? I thought it was only 1, with www or without www. I’m going to add right now

Yes, both cname records need to be added.


Then, you will need to wait for an hour to get your ssl certificate, then copy the certificate and private key and paste it into SSL/TLS.


Thank you all very much, the ssl certificate is already working. I only have a question, how can I make those who enter my page through “http” be redirected to “https”

In .htaccess enter (In the htdocs for your domain)

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NE]


If you’re using wordpress, install a plugin called “Really Simple SSL”, this will overwrite and force all http request or visitors to HTTPS.


Thank you very much, I have already been able to redirect you from http to https

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