R3 SSL Certificate Expired


SSL Certificate isn’t approved by browsers. Tested with Chrome and Safari

The R3 certificate expired on September 29th 2021. Used Let’s Encrypt from the built-in SSL generator on infinityfree


Everything looks good to me.


Check your system clock, and make sure your computer has fetched the current certificate.

It is the R3 certificate itself that I am having trouble with

You need to install the latest Let’s Encrypt root certificate:


How to do that on free account?

It does not matter about the account, it matters for your computer. You need to download the certificate and install it on your local machine.

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ah yeah. So it is a client side problem, not server side. Yeah that would explain, because for me this website works as well and showing proper root certificate. So it might be also outdated antivirus case here

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Maybe update your antivirus and see if you can install any updates for your copy of macOS. If this does not solve the problem, then install the root certificate I explained earlier.


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