Re - how do I create an upload button for my site?

Can anyone help me on creating upload button that uploads files to the server when clicked upon? I need it to upload images for accounts. I have tried every method on Google but when I click on upload, it just doesn’t.

Uploading images for What accounts? If you do not explain why do you want to have it actualy. I cannot help you becauce i’m afraid to help at breaking rules. :slight_smile:


May be you should go to to get support in script.

Hi, @anon19508339 I want the upload button for my community website photographer, who will upload photos to sub directory as I don’t want to give FTP details.

Letting people to host their pic on your host (aka File Sharing) is not allowed for neither this free hosting nor premium one. They can host their pics on something like Google drive then share them by a link :frowning:


Not their, it’s like a community blog where people will see, what is happening where.

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