Hi There!
I need your help as fast as possible.

My Domain:
I dont know it is www or non-www.
I have the error mentioned in the title.
With my troubleshooting, I got-

  1. It has redirect loop between www and non-www site.
  2. Only the main homepage and wordpress dashboard is inaccessible. Rest everything works fine.
  3. Can’t login.
  4. Tried Wp-config settings and .htaccess redirect settings everything.

-Still trying everything, searched whole Google.

Wp-Admin has error 404, page not found.

After a ton of waiting it loads but it looks broken

Got this new error message by adding /?i=1 at the end

I know it has infinite problems, that’s why I have infinity support here! I opened this website after a month. It worked good previously.

Welp, it seems that whatever was sending that redirect must have been a complex PHP script. Because that explains the “used all available php / apache processes” error, and now your account being suspended for hitting both CPU and Entry Process limits.

The entire situation seems like a case of botched .htaccess rules, WordPress website URL settings and possibly some plugins. So here are a few suggestions for things to do when your website comes back online:

  • Get rid of all the .htaccess rules and redirects. Make sure only the WordPress core .htaccess rules are present: htaccess – Documentation –
  • Enter your phpMyAdmin, go to the wpXXX_options table and check the home and siteurl options. Make sure those values look good (that they match and contain a correct URL).
  • Delete any plugins related to changing URLs or setting redirects. Multiple plugins which do the same thing or are just not working well can cause problems like this too.
  • Remove any redirects or website URL related settings from the wp-config.php file. You shouldn’t need them.

After doing all of the above, your website should be accessible again, if not over the URL it should.

If you’re looking for ways to do something, can you please explain what exactly it is you were trying to do? Maybe we can help you find a way to do that without breaking your site again.


That’s nice thanks admin.
Yes, I contacted Support and they solved most of the issue.
Actually I opened this site a month ago, I have written some articles and on that time everything was fine. But yesterday when I opened it, everything seems complex. What all you told me has been tried by the supporter and at last I am stuck with broken site and SSL ERROR. Whole site has error now. Maybe it can be solved using SSL certificate.

I’m sorry, but which support did you contact? WordPress support? Or did you contact iFastNet?

I just checked your website and it’s working fine now. Do you still have any problems?


Hi Sir!
Thank you for your advisory. The issue has been solved now.
Still web host is experiencing many other issues. Like currently my website is experiecing 404 error on main page, and SSL error (even I have SSL Certificate and Cloudflare both enabled).
Please check out that:

When I check, I see a WordPress index page, not a 404 error.

What kind of SSL error and where do you see it? Your website has a green lock for me.


Hello Sir,

Thank you for helping me out for such time.
I tried shifting the host and then just re-installed my wordpress installation.
By the way, the time you responded, the issue was resolved. Thank You!

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