Reset or reload an account to start fresh

Sometimes, you may want to clean up your account completely and start from scratch with a clean slate, for example if you need to install a fresh script and want to remove all traces of the old code.

Some web hosting platforms offer an Account Reset or Reload Account option to clean the account completely. InfinityFree doesn’t have an option like that. But you can clean your account yourself.

Clean the account manually

One method to clean an account is to remove all content manually. To clean an account, you’ll want to do the following:

  1. Go into the Addon Domains, Parked Domains and Subdomains menus in your control panel and delete all domains there.
  2. Go to MySQL Databases and delete everything there.
  3. Go into Softaculous, go to Installed Apps and delete everything in the list.
  4. Go into the file manager, go to the htdocs directory and remove everything in the directory. Also do this for the htdocs directory in every domain folder.

This should remove most of the content from your account. Some content, like the domain directories, will remain because those directories contain protected files.

Create a new account

Another method to get a clean account is to create a new account. Simply create a new hosting account from your client area to get a new, fresh account.

If you want to use a domain name you’ve used on another account before, you will have to remove it from the old account first. Domains can only be hosted on one account at a time.