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404 Page Not Found

The page you were looking for could not be found! If you entered the URL manually, please double check what you’ve entered. If you clicked a button, please click the back button in your browse

I’ve created and uploaded my website to here, it is a simple 3 page site. I can get to the website by typing that in, the site appears, I can then get to other pages on the site ie music.html and videos.html, however I cannot return to the homepage from those pages. the homepage url is index.html… I just get the 404 error.

can someone help please.


(other information and details relevant to your question)

Both your music.html, videos.html and index.html work for me, try clearing your cache with Control+f5


yeah the both work but you cant return back to the home page from the music or video page. using either the home button at top or bottom of page.

Hi did as you suggested ran ccleaner and its there now. thank you,I should have known really, been a while since I`ve done any designing etc. Thanks again for your help :0)

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