SEO topics

Hey guys!

Just wondering if anyone of you are good with seo? I have used keyword everywhere for my seo and seems to be only getting a few views each day. I only added keywords that have less competitions and high search volume though…

I’m a newbie and interested on this topic. I only seo my home page(On page seo Only) and ranked in 154 place in google. I want to expand the keywords and rank. Would love to get some ideas on backlinks. :blush::innocent:

How do you know where it is ranked? How do you find out?

You can use SERP checkers. There are plenty of free sites to check it… It will show you the result of your keywords. There are free trials for a limited time, use one to check your search engine result position(SERP). I’m a newbie to SEO, please share your knowledge with us.:innocent:

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