Server not found

server not found

(please share the FULL error message you see)

I created my account on 1/9/2021 and it still hasn’t worked
I don’t understand what’s going on even though it’s been over 72 hours

Make sure you are not mixing nameservers. The IP your account is on is working, so please fix the nameservers issue.

i don’t understand what do you mean So can you explain more please?

In your settings, you have both the nameservers and the nameservers. That’s the reason why your domain name doesn’t work.

As a rule of thumb: you should NEVER mix nameservers. Choose the nameservers of one provider and only use those.

To fix your website, simply remove the nameservers from your domain. There should be only two nameservers: and Any other nameservers there should be removed.


Well I did what you just told me but the site still doesn’t work…how long does it take?

It says that may take from 24 hours to 48 hours. But it should be done mostly in 1 hour or so.

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Well, i will wait .thanks to all of you guys for your interest

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