Server offline Cloudflare

Hello everyone

I wanted to use cloudflare so I have https, but whenever I change my nameservers in NameCheap to cloudflare’s nameservers ( and my website goes down.
I there anyone who knows how to fix this? I don’t really know how all this works.
Thank you in advance.

Did you check this before?


I tried the SSL Certificates tool in the client area, but I’m not sure if i’ve done it right.
It says I have to add CNAME records.
I have done this in Cloudflare:

Is that the right way to do it?
Whenever I refresh the DNS status in the client area it says: “The required CNAME record could not be found.”
For a couple of minutes it the first CNAME record worked, but not anymore for some reason.

You need to click on the orange clouds on those records to make them grey (so that Cloudflare proxy is disabled for those records), and wait a while until it propagates.


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