Set Custom DNS records for using with my own domain

My domain in Infinity Free is: test2324DOTepizyDOTcom
The DOT means “.”
Now I need to set my own domain name in Infinity Free (I presume that’s done with “parked domains” option, the thing is that I can not change the DNS records in my register, as I have another service depending on it, which means that I’ll have to use Custom CNAME Records in Infinity Free Cpanel, but I have no idea on how to settle them.

Should it be “www. - test2324DOTepizyDOTcom - mydomainnameDOTcom”?

What do you need help with exactly? Ssl? Pointing namservers? What are the CNAME records needed for!

I’m sorry, but you must point your domain name to our nameservers to add the domain name to your account. And since nothing will work until the domain is added to an account, that means the other services on your domain will be down for a while.

After you’ve added the domain name to your account, you can setup custom DNS records with us or even move the domain back to your own nameservers. But you can only do that after the domain has been added.


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