Slow loading and opening of website

Website URL

Error Message

Its takes 20 sec to load this website that’s the only issue please help

Other Information

I have removed elementor


WordPress websites with low visitor counts load slowly due to WP-Cron, here is how you can speed up your site:


If I try to access your site directly, it times out for me. But if I try to access your website directly on our servers, bypassing Cloudflare, it’s loading great for me.

Please check your DNS records at Cloudflare and make sure that your domain name is pointing to the IP address shown in the client area as the Website IP for the account it’s linked to, and only that IP.

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I have updated the nameservers to the domain provider.
So what more should I do?

Thanks for your answer. I will try it and let you know

All you need to do now is wait for DNS cache to update so your device will connect directly to our servers instead of Cloudflare.

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