Slow server

Another error that happens when you can’t find the database, I have to keep pressing f5 , constantly until I come back. THAT’S WHY I KNOW

That’s why I know it’s a problem on your server, because the database is disappearing all the time.

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Can you please share your domain name?

Also, try turning on PHP errors in teh control panel, that way you can get a real error message, and not a generic one.

Just because the database is not showing in the control panel, does not mean that it is not viewable by the server. The control panel does mess up sometimes (There was an entire issue about it a few months ago).


I just checked your website, and I see a database authentication error now. But I also had to push the account password to the hosting platform to check the database. So you may need to update your database configuration.

Please remember: the password of your hosting account can be seen (and changed) through the client area at any time. Do not reset the password through the control panel directly, many features will stop working until the client area password is synchronized, which may happen at any time without notification. So to prevent your website from being unable to connect to the database all of a sudden: never change the password through the control panel.



Good Morning…

Again the database disappears from the server, as in the image above

This problem is recurring this month, the database disappears from your server and then reappears…

Excellent, caught the issue red handed!

The error I see on your website is:

Packets out of order. Expected 0 received 1. Packet size=23

This error is generated by the mysqli_real_connect function through all the CodeIgniter wrapping code.

It’s very strange because I’ve never seen this error before. When this error happened, I was also able to connect through phpMyAdmin without any problems, which suggests the database itself working.

I’m trying to figure out what can cause this error but I can’t find any clear answers. So I’m a bit at a loss as to what could be causing this.


The error only happens when the database does not appear on your server, it looks like this, like this in the image, just connect now

That’s why on my site I can’t find the database

I’m sorry for the delay.

iFastNet has investigated the issue, and concluded that the database server is healthy. However, more accounts than usual have been assigned to it by the account provisioning system, resulting in higher load than usual on the server. This high load may result in bad performance or intermittent connection issues.

The account provisioning has been tweaked so no new accounts will be setup on that database server. However, we don’t really have a way to redistribute accounts that are already on the server. Because of that, it may take some time for the load to stabilize and the quality of the service to be as good as it should be.

If you don’t want to wait for that, the only suggestion I can offer is to remove your domain from the current account, create a new account for the domain, and migrate your website to it. Your new account will be setup on a different server with better performance.


Do you know how long these connection issues may last? Not as in dates (September to November), but more as in time (30 to 60 minutes per error)?

It depends, the error sometimes happens and takes 10 minutes, sometimes it takes 20 seconds to 1 min, it’s never an exact time. Sometimes the problem happens and when refreshing the page (f5) it goes back to normal…

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Good afternoon…
There would be no way to unlink with ifastnet? Because I made another domain and the same continues with the same database error

Hmm, it seems that your new account got assigned to the same database server. That shouldn’t happen. I’ve asked iFastNet to check again.

The free hosting platform is built and maintained by iFastNet. Without them, there would not be any hosting.


When will I be able to do or update to a new database account that is not giving this error?!

Could you create one more now that will be redirected to the right one?

Good afternoon…

Apparently in the morning the database is not gone anymore and my system worked perfectly

You should be able to create a new account now. After the account is fully set up, you can see the assigned database server in the client area. If it says anything other than, it should be good to go.

But the database server is expected to stabilize over time, so if you don’t do anything, the issue will solve itself as well.


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