SSL Certificate/Mixed Content

Hello. I have been building my portfolio website. I have just gotten a domain name and created a free SSL certificate for infinity website and redirected from my domain name. The page doesn’t load and I get an error in the console “Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://xxxxxx/’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame ‘Turn cookies on or off - Computer - Google Account Help’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.”. I have also put a meta tag in the head section . It’s a simple build, no cookies on my side. Thanks guys.

Since you did not provide sufficient info, it is best you proceed to solve mixed content issues first


I think the cookie redirect is a consequence of the mixed content issues.

Please check your website code and make sure that there are no URLs starting with http:// in your code. All URLs should be using https://, or use relatively URLs, starting with /.


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