SSL shop connection fails

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL

(please share the FULL error message you see)
Could not open Woocommerce authorization page (SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate)

I get this when trying to connect my shop. I realize this is out of the scope of the support here. However, when I change the DNS to epizy I cannot change any of the CNAME records and I think this is what is giving this error? I could be wrong. Everything is green and good to go just this error?? I have changed the CNAME records here.

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Generally, this error means that you are trying to connect from outside of your website.


It was working, then the shop moved then moved it back. It is a CNAME issue. The website works, just not connecting to printful as it had. Thanks though I know I will figure it out.

Maybe this post will help you


Thank you. Maybe that is why we originally moved. Well thanks I guess shall close this account :pray:

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But the person in that topic ultimately wrote this


Its alright, it is a free account, there will be some limitations. Its just unfortunate.

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Also the cloudfare is a fee?

No, CloudFlare is free, but there are also paid tiers.


thanks I went the cloudflare route and it is working


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