strange behavious

I am redirected to this website instead of my website Turn cookies on or off - Computer - Google Account Help
and I get strange scripts in my response when using ajax
aes,js to be specific

Does your browser block all cookies by any chance? Because if your browser does not accept cookies, then you get redirected to that page by a security check.

my browser doesnt block cookies but I think I had an extension installed that caused the weird behavior. However after the behavior left my account was suspended so I’m thinking something else is going on please can you help me check. I need my data and files because I just purchased a premium hosting from xvhost.

If your account is suspended, you need to check the client area for the explanation and further steps.

ive followed those steps and requested a ticket but I haven’t gotten a specific reason why it was suspended. This is so ridiculous. I open a new website and the site kept on sayinf err_connection_timedout. new website -

All websites on the IP address are currently down due to a technical issue, which includes your website. We’re doing our best to get it resolved as soon as possible and I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

my xvhost website isn’t running if its still propagating why is the temporary ftp not responding

@arxghst said:
my xvhost website isn’t running if its still propagating why is the temporary ftp not responding

Have you tried working with XVHOST support to get that issue resolved? This is the InfinityFree forum, not the XVHOST forum.