
Hola,me gustaria que pongan la oportunidad de crear dominios,sub-dominios y hosting gratis tambien de espacio ilimitado y crear infinitas cuentas ya que creo que 3 son muy malas tambien que sea todo gratis no necesites comprar nada ya que todo seria gratis y no habria el hacender a PRO

PD:me refiero a no hubiera nada de pago,porfavor hagan mi sugerencia realidad

@Ignacio said:
Hello, I would like you to put the opportunity to create domains, sub-domains and free hosting also unlimited space and create countless accounts because I think 3 are very bad also be all free do not need to buy anything since everything would be free and not there would be the make to PRO

PD: I mean there would be no payment, please make my suggestion come true

First of all, this is an English Forum, so try speak in English.

  1. InfinityFree already offers unlimited space.
  2. InfinityFree is only limited to 3 hosting accounts per account because it is stated on the TOS and if Infinityfree break the TOS about this, it could result for InfinityFree to be suspended.
  3. InfinityFree is not the one offering the paid plans, iFastNet is the one offering it. InfinityFree is completely free and their company name already says it all.
  4. You can host your owned domains here on InfinityFree and create subdomains for it with no additional cost.

For you, it would be best if everything would be provided for free without any limits and you would never have to purchase anything.

For us, that would be very bad as it would drastically increase server costs (to pay for the huge amount of accounts and disk space used), while simultaneously evaporating all our income (because nobody would bother to purchase an upgrade if everything is already provided for free). And us going bankrupt isn’t good for the sustainability of your hosting service either.

Three accounts is already quite generous. Most free hosting providers only allow you to have one or two accounts. And with our hosting accounts, you can host virtually unlimited websites on a single account (using Addon Domains), which is either restricted to a few addon domains, or entirely impossible, with most other free hosting providers.