Switch Main Subdomain


http://paperchase-staging.42web.io (Main)
http://paperchase.web1337.net (Subdomain)

Hello! I am wondering if I can switch out (Subdomain) and (Main). When I go to DNS (CNAME) it only shows (Main). I am trying to add SSL to (Subdomain), and there is no option for web1337.net in https://app.infinityfree.net/ssls.

(HTTP File Upload for Domain Verification doesn’t seem to be working for (Subdomain))

The domain was not registered as a known domain for subdomains in the client area. This has been fixed now, so you should now be able to request SSL certificates for it.

The CNAME records is a known issue being discussed here:


“The selected extension is invalid.”

You can’t complete the verification right now anyways due to the CNAME limitation. We’re first going to investigate this and then see if/how we can offer the iFastNet controlled extensions in our SSL tool.


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