There has been a critical error on this website


Error Message - There has been a critical error on this website.

Other Information

I’m new at this, trying to build my site using wordpress, it suddenly gave me this message while editing.
Is it a server problem or do i need to do something in my CP


Ive tried both manual dactivations and still nothing. it just says There has been a critical error on this website.

Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.

I guess i will just keep trying

Do you utilize Elementor? Their most recent update triggered a fatal error for me, with file directories. Try deactivating plugins through your FTP, apologies I don’t know too much.

Thanks, yes i had just installed it, ive now tried to deleat it through my FTP but it seems to still be giving me the same error… ive now removed all my plug ins…

Maybe you need to reinstall Wordpress fresh.

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