This is getting real annoying

(please specify the website or account you are asking about)

My account got suspended due to hitting cpu limit. I know I am supposed to create a support ticket but that doesn’t work as it redirects to my account page. But that is not point the thing is this time I feel my account was wrongfully suspended by the algorithm as I had reduced the number of plugins I had installed and applied every optimization trick I could find on google like caching and disabling wp heartbeat API. Can you please fix this? This already happened a few times to the point I feel like I can’t do anything more to try to resolve the issue

(please share the FULL error message you see)

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Unfortunately, you can’t create tickets for temp suspension but still I am interested, if possible please give me your account statistics.

I don’t have screenshots from yesterday which was last time my accunt got suspended but in my case I tried deleting optimization plugins and keeping them to an minimal as I heard being over reliant on plugins is bad but deleting plugins actually made things worse fsr, I noticed the spikes in cpu usage were much higher today.

This could also cause CPU spike if preload cache is used aggressively.
Mind sharing caching plugin used and the settings?


I used w3tc like you suggested with object minify, and browser cache on in combination with a amp plugin and a central. There is also wp asset clean up with I use to prevent certain scripts from running to speed site up but I am not sure how much cpu that consumes

I just analysed your CPU graph and found that the average CPU was just below the CPU limit and seems like one of the plugin is utilising heavy CPU.


instant page plugin could be the culprit. It preloads the page on mouse hover

but just in case can you find what the real culprit is?

What is on your page cache setting?
Screenshot will be good…

I’ll show a screenshot when I can. but under browser cache I have all options turned on

And I feel like instant page plugin can be removed and you can manually add it index.php file
<script src="//" type="module" integrity="sha384-by67kQnR+pyfy8yWP4kPO12fHKRLHZPfEsiSXR8u2IKcTdxD805MGUXBzVPnkLHw"></script>

you mean I can manually add the instant page plugin in index php file?

I also have a question to ask. how cpu is used when you prevent certain js/css scripts from loading? I got 50% cpu usage notice just after I deleted several plugins and tweaked with the settings of wp clean assets

a central.
I meant wp clean assets

do you have any site optimization plugins alongside w3tc that doesn’t consume alot of cpu? can you show me what settings you use for w3tc as well?

@PsyNyaNade Cache plugins do cause CPU loads when they create cache for the first time and every time you update any post and may cause it to utilize CPU even more if it not configured properly.

Secondly Install this Vial plugin, “Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket” and Turn off the WordPress Heartbeat on everything but front end and increase it to 300 seconds which wordpress by default utilizes CPU every 15 seconds through heartbeat calls.

That will certainly reduce your CPU load.

More, Give your plugin list so we get an idea what could cause such heavy CPU utilization.

Lastly only Enable Caching After you have completed your website 100%. Before that keep it off as updating post will make the caching plugin to recreate cache if you have configured it that way.

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the thing is I had already installed heartbeat control. but

More, Give your plugin list so we get an idea what could cause such heavy CPU utilization.

this is my plugin list

okay its not exactly a small amount of plugins, sorry for the disclaimer but its significantly less than what I started off with [I didn’t know any better at the time]. I had been trying to figure out which plugins to delete. My site depends on user generated content for growth. I could strip some extras/sacrifice some features which I’m in the process of doing right now but I can’t really delete any more plugins beyond that.

and yes I am aware disqus does hog quite a bit cpu but its what I am familiar with. And its easy to grow my site using disqus because most anime streaming sites uses disqus for comments as I can comment in anime and tag users. Being able to create an account/register without admin approval and being able to create a post from the frontend is very crucial along with being to chat with fellow members of community/see posts they made. Hence why I wouldn’t call my site a blog since in a blog only blog owners or a select group of contributors create posts for site. but I don’t plan on getting 1000 or 100 visitors anytime soon

Most of these plugins should have light impact on cpu so I am guessing its wp asset cleanup? either way I still need to how to disable cron job. I heard cron job uses a lot of cpu

WebP Converter for Media
Can utilize CPU if there are any webp content while converting.

Really Simple SSL
Not Required at all. SSL can be easily setup. No need Extra Plugin. Just change your Settings>General and make sure the protocol of your Website URL is https and not http. Do this only if you have installed SSL on your server. Else you might end yourself locking out of your website if you make https without installing SSL.

Use One plugin W3 Total Cache Or Asset Cleanup: Page Speed Booster
Keep Caching disabled. But you can turn on the Merge CSS and JS option if it’s there. Best use WP Fastest Cache.

There are Heavy Plugins like BuddyPress & WP User Frontend. Which are CPU intensive.

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WebP Converter for Media
Can utilize CPU if there are any webp content while converting
so its better to convert it to webp prior to uploading? Is there a a less cpu intensive alternative that automatically converts to webp?
Really Simple SSL
Not Required at all. SSL can be easily setup. No need Extra Plugin. Just change your Settings>General and make sure the protocol of your Website URL is https and not http. Do this only if you have installed SSL on your server. Else you might end yourself locking out of your website if you make https without installing SSL.

so I can uninstall really simple ssl after deleting it? plugin page said ssl will be deactivated if I uninstall it

Use One plugin W3 Total Cache Or Asset Cleanup: Page Speed Booster
so even browser caching is cpu intensive? I read it reduces cpu usage though. and its only cache method I had enabled. mobile site speed is also a concern

There are Heavy Plugins like BuddyPress & WP User Frontend. Which are CPU intensive.

can you suggest lighter alternatives to those plugins then? for wpuf alternative that’s customizable.

note by defualt in first image above title required is post title while describe your discussion is post content while in second image below create your discussion is submit

For buddypress alternative I want a alternative that allows community members to see what posts they made, send friend request/follow an user and send private/direct messages with each other. buddypress at the time seem like the only free plugin at the time that offered that

so I can uninstall really simple ssl after deleting it? plugin page said ssl will be deactivated if I uninstall it

Yes. It won’t uninstall your SSL. No plugin can do that. The SSL is set up on DNS side. Under your CPANEL>SSL/TLS Section Or Use to issue a new SSL certificate and install it in your CPANEL.

Are you using Cloudflare? If not then just follow the Wizard instructions on CNAME Records are also Set in Your CPANEL. There is section for it too just like SSL/TLS

If you are using cloudflare by any chance then the procedure is same exccept you need the CNAME to by DNS only

I can’t use cloudflare becuase I use epizy subdomain. It is possible if I migrated to different domain but I don’t know a good domain extension that looks nice/good

You need a domain for SSL to work. Subdomain can also get SSL from that SSL link provided above. You could use free domain names like .ml , .tk, .ga etc temporarily while you set up you website. Or Get a paid domain which are fairly very cheap per year basis. Or Upgrade to Premium and get a free domain and much more.

Regardless Upgrading to Premium would solve most of the CPU limit issue.

my budget is tight so premium hosting is not a option. Although it would help if you could help if you could help migrate site to different domain