# This page isn’t working

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is:

This page isn’t working

leetlife.ml didn’t send any data.

I use this software:
Google chrome.

Additional info:
Sometimes it says “502 Bad Gateway.” I cannot access Monsta FTP.

same thing here:

This site can’t be reached

old420guy.rf.gd refused to connect.


Been doing this for at least 18 hour so far.

Anyone know how to contact Support? I don’t see any email link for them. Tried to open a ticket but it never too me to the right page.

The IP address your website is hosted on seems to be nullrouted. There are various reasons why this could happen, but very often it’s caused by a DDoS attack on the particular IP address.

If so, rest assured that iFastNet’s server admins are already hard at work to try and get the websites on the IP address back online as soon as possible.

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This problem started again when the morning was improved

pls do my website is not woking…Help me

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