Tiket Closed



Tiket Closed

Hello good afternoon can someone help me, I created a ticket, but automatically it generates a closed ticket response!

This is what I see


I believe no one can help you here.
You have most likely violate the TOS



Any website flagged by Google is suspended from our hosting. We don’t want to host phishing site here. Nobody wants to host phishing site (Hint, they are illegal).


Mais não é um site falsificado, o site foi criado para venda de planos de internet, de um provedor de internet, não tem solicitação de nenhum dados, o site é somente divulgação de planos de internet, não sei porque bloquearam.

But it is not a fake site, the site was created for the sale of internet plans, from an internet provider, there is no request for any data, the site is only advertising internet plans, I don’t know why they blocked it.

E, já fiz a solicitação da análise do Google estou aguardando a resposta deles, mais o suporte não dá resposta e já dá ticket fechado.


And, I’ve already made the request for Google’s analysis, I’m waiting for their response, but the support doesn’t respond and the ticket is already closed.

O que seria TOS?


What would TOS be?

Mais não é um site falsificado, o site foi criado para venda de planos de internet, de um provedor de internet, não tem solicitação de nenhum dados, o site é somente divulgação de planos de internet, não sei porque bloquearam.

English (via google translate):

But it is not a fake site, the site was created for the sale of internet plans, from an internet provider, there is no request for any data, the site is only advertising internet plans, I don’t know why they blocked it.

This is most likely why. Low reputation websites advertising plans like this can easily get flagged. Putting in a ticket to google like you did might help, assuming your website is legit. I cannot tell because even if I bypass the deceptive site ahead warning, I cannot see your website as it redirects to a suspended webpage so I cannot view your website and determine its legitimacy.

If you indeed did violate our ToS, then you are out of luck. I’m not going to point fingers this early, but usually people like you are the ones who violate our ToS and go on here and play the victim card. If you are a phisher, then you are not welcome here (or pretty much anywhere else for that matter). If you aren’t and it is a mistake, then you might have a chance of getting your website back. I say might because I do not know the full circumstances under which this website was suspended by.

The system automatically closing a ticker does not seem like a good sign, either.


I understand your answer, but thanks to my honesty I’m not that type, I have another active site on the same hosting, and it works perfectly, it has already been analyzed by google and released and removed from the megra list, but I can send you a photo of my site , hosted on Webmaster’s localhost.

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Hello everyone, this is my suite, which is blocked, it is hosted on the webmaster’s localhost, it has all the company’s data, means of contact.

It will be easy from now on, if you can translate it into English. This is an English-speaking forum, and it makes our lives much easier, as well as your life because then our help will be much more efficient, effective and quick.


Irei fazer isso agora, e já já posto ele em inglês.


I’m going to do that now, and I’ve already posted it in English.

I meant the image, sorry.

But really, everything you post should be in English, especially images containing words, as that is where we would have to manually re-type all of that into a google translate instead of copying and pasting, which may still fail as many of us do not have special keyboards as others may have when typing in another language.


I asked the webmaster to put everything in English for you to understand better what my site is about, I appreciate if you can help me.

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Unfortunately, this applies:

Ifastnet is Ifastnet and not us.

Admin may be able to provide you with additional information, but even he is not capable of handling the ticket for you. Again, Ifastnet is Ifastnet. We provide free hosting and use their servers, but they have the final say.

Others will likely have more useful information as I have not delt with many “suspended for abuse” problems directly, but what I speak is what I speak from seeing many problems similar to this. Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t end pretty.


I understand, thank you very much for all the help, unfortunately I will have to buy a Premium service, and maybe I will be able to put my website online, because I have to promote my company, I’m glad I have a copy of the website with the webmaster, I wish you all good luck.


Thank you for understanding.

Heck, this may still be a solvable problem, but if you want to upgrade to premium then that’s a good choice, as free hosting isn’t really a good solution for business.

Still, again, thank you so much for understanding. It makes us glad that some people understand and don’t give us a hard time.

And also thanks for taking a backup. You would not believe how often we have remind people to do so!

Have a great day!


Because it looks like a scam, and I’m not convinced it isn’t.

You create a site agltelecom.rf.gd which offers internet plans, similar to the real website agltelecom.com. The domain and website implies that you represent AGL Telecom, and I’m quite confident that you do not.

If you’re selling internet packages from AGL Telecom through some sort of resale or affiliate deal, then AGL Telecom won’t be happy you’re basically pretending you are them. And if you’re selling packages which are not from AGL Telecom, then you’re scamming people who think they are dealing with the real AGL Telecom.

So even if the offers are real (which I have not tried to verify and probably can’t do so in the first place), you are still committing fraud by impersonating a company you do not represent. And that’s illegal.

And before you buy premium hosting, please know that illegal activities are also forbidden on premium hosting.

You’re (generally) free to setup an advertising or affiliate site, but you have to make it extremely clear, down to the website name, that you are not an internet provider yourself and that you do not represent an established internet provider.

Because that’s what you did here, which is why both Google and we took action.


I understand, honestly I was not aware of this other site from the same segment as my small company, even because we are from different states, but I want to be seen as a good person and avoid problems, with whoever it may be, I prefer to change the name of the site, and change the name of the company, while it is not registered, with cnpj do want to generate confusion, distrust or be viato as the owner of even a fraldulento, I don’t want confusion with the service, today I will be changing the name of the small company and the name of the site , even if you don’t authorize my hosting anymore, I want to make it clear that I’m not using the service to steal or be a bad person, I thank you in advance for atenem reapoderem me.


Good night, as I said, I changed the site’s name and the colors, unfortunately it’s the most I can change, even though I know that I may not be able to use the hosting service again, but I leave here the proof that I really am not a bad person, I don’t even use fraudulent website, the new name is Letellecom, the initials of my daughter’s name, it’s still my internet provider, thank you all in advance.

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