Time out (Zeitüberschreitung der Verbindung nach 20 Sekunden Inaktivität)

Username (e.g. epiz_XXX) or Website URL

(please specify the website or account you are asking about)
FTP-Connection not possible (time out after every 20 seconds)

Error Message

(please share the FULL error message you see)

Status: Auflösen der IP-Adresse für ftpupload.net
Status: Verbinde mit…
Fehler: Zeitüberschreitung der Verbindung nach 20 Sekunden Inaktivität
Fehler: Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen
Status: Nächsten Versuch abwarten…
Status: Auflösen der IP-Adresse für ftpupload.net
Status: Verbinde mit…
Fehler: Zeitüberschreitung der Verbindung nach 20 Sekunden Inaktivität
Fehler: Herstellen der Verbindung zum Server fehlgeschlagen

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)



IP address is wrong in the first place…


That’s not the IP address of our FTP server, so it would seem that something at your ISP is preventing you from accessing the FTP server.

Could you please try connecting to ftp.epizy.com instead?


thank you - i’ve tried ftp.epizy.com but it doesnt work and ftpload.net is blocked by my provider swisscom with internet guard.

What if you try with the raw ip,

1 Like hat die Verbindung abgelehnt.
Connection also not possible …

i can call my website normally but i have no access to my files via ftp

Maybe your “swisscom internet guard” blocks port 21 (FTP port), which is normal for security applications like that.

1 Like

I dont use explicit port 21, i only use following entrys:

servername: ftpupload.net
user : epiz_31426929)
password : ****

i’m using the ftp-function of total commander …

FTP always uses port 21. Just like HTTP (generally) uses port 80 and HTTPS (generally) uses port 443. There’s nothing you can do to change what port is used, because our FTP servers only listen on port 21.


ok , thanks for the detailed info -i’m not so technical versed

Yesterday i called my provider and he told me that the url ftpupload.net is not reachable.
i got also an url-checker (URL Checker | Swisscom) and you can see that ftpupload is on a black list - i dont know why …

Whitelist it or use vpn to bypass???

1 Like

If Swisscom blocks ftpupload.net, then only Swisscom can say for certain why it’s blocked.

In any case, if you are using a “security” system that censors your internet access, then there is not much we can do about it. Perhaps you could try to appeal the block to Swisscom, as only they can get it removed. Or indeed use a VPN to bypass the block.


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