Why WpBakery page builder plugin is not installing on my site

what error that has?

It showing some system error and a message was pop up which is telling to see in your mail box but there is no mail in my mail box

system error? like what it says you? :confused:

it means it will tell on the mail?

You can install plugins with FTP. You can find the instructions here.

The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.
this error is showing

Did you read what I posted? If not here’s a repost in a quote:

I have gone through the procedure but still it was not installing

even now the margin given by theme is not there and some coding is showing on front page you can visit

Don’t use the WordPress plugin uploading client, but use a FTP client instead when following the instructions I linked to!

not understand

If you use WordPress plugin uploading tool, if the plugin is big or the script takes more than 20 seconds to process it, then it will interrupt the process or corrupt the whole installation. With a FTP client and my instructions, that plugin’s upload will never fail, and you can enable it without any problem.

can you tell me about FTP client

A FTP client is a client that you would use to upload files from FTP.

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You can also use them to download or manage files on your site too (like updating static pages). A good, free one I would recommend is FileZilla. If you’re on a Chromebook or other computer or device that can’t use it, you can use the file manager in the control panel or the one in the client area. You can also use this site:


Just for the record: we do not support third party hosted FTP clients and cannot guarantee the security of your account if you enter your password on other websites. Remember, there is no way to know for sure that the third party hosted FTP client is not storing your FTP details, sharing them with others or using them to upload malware to your website.


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