Trouble with custom 404 pages!

I am trying to alter my error pages
i put the link to the custom error pages i have made, but it redirects me to the default infinityfree 404 error page!

(I have made sure that the links are correct)

I have a custom 404 on my site, and it works fine for me. Can you please show me how you entered it in the control panel?


Please use monstaFTP from client area and create/edit .htaccess file in htdocs folder of your sub/domain

edit if needed to look like this:

# error redirect
ErrorDocument 404 http://mydomain/404.html

* of course also for other error codes if you have it
the error pages with the same names must exist
and if they are in a some subdirectory than edit the PATH (in example) to reflect the real location

make sure that the address of these pages is absolute (start with http/s)
and not relative

because if is relative…
when someone comes to the subfolder of the subfolder and ask something that does not exist or does not have permission it will appear infinityfree error pages not your custom

This is a link to my 503 error page.

but it comes up with a 404 not found

I put it in the “errors” folder, which is what i direct to
And this is what the error pages are called

And this is what my cpanel looks like:

Are you sure that the “errors” folder is in the “htdocs” folder? If not, please move the errors folder in the htdocs folder via a FTP client or Monsta FTP.

I found the issue, turns out it doesn’t like the name “errors” for a folder.
Once i renamed it from “errors” to “error”, it worked.

Are you sure it’s working?
I tried to create a dummy URL and did not appear your custom 404

Check the .htaccess file and that PATH there is correct

btw. time for cleaning code


I am trying to log an IP incase of DoS attacks and stuff… so i can use the “Ip block” feature.

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