Unable to access "chat" related documentation on my site

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Error Message

I am getting a 403 when trying to go on my chat class documentation for a game I’ve documented on my site. The full name of the html page is "class_chat_service.html". There are also a few other ones that have the keyword "chat" in them, as that is what is used in the game. I can’t change the "chat" keyword, because then the documentation wouldn’t match up with the game.

Is there some way to solve this? Can my site maybe get some kind of exclusion for the /docs/* or something?

Image of the docs that cause an error:

Other Information

I have no intention to host any kind of chat, ever. I just want to host documentation of different kinds.

That because “chat” is a forbidden word.
Change it to something else


Unfortunately, the word chat has been banned due to abuse. This is one of the unfortunate things of free hosting. While you can still use the word “chat” in your files, the word cannot be contained in the file name.


I guess ill have to change the filename then keep the label names.
Thanks for the informing me tho.

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