Unable to access website



Error Message

This site can’t provide a secure connection

hayneslawnservice.epizy.com sent an invalid response.

  • [Try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).


(please share the FULL error message you see)

Other Information

unable to access WordPress backend

Did you do this?

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I have the free ssl provided with infinity free so I’m not sure why I’m getting the error

This is what I see

Maybe due to VPanel down?

I’m able to get in to control panel. is there something I need to do on my end ?

If SSL cert and private key are already installed. There is nothing for you to do

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how long will I not have access to my website?


You should still be able to use it over HTTP, but it looks like you have HTTPS forwarding on. This might be caused by the control panel outage.

I checked your domain name but you do not have any SSL installed right now.

Please copy the private key and certificate from the client area to your hosting account’s control panel.

Do not touch the Generate Key / CSR button. It will wipe your current certificate and private key, and it’s not used if you get a certificate from us. And I can tell you’ve used it because otherwise the CSR field would be empty.

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