unable to connect DB

i am connecting my database but it is not connecting after entering inputs…

whats the error? it was working good in wamp.

<?php $Connection=@mysql_connect('http://sqlxxx.epizy.com','epiz_user','pass'); $ConnectingDB=@mysql_select_db('epiz_20569565_dbname',$Connection); if((!$ConnectingDB)){ echo $Message="Failed FB"; } ?>

Remove the http:// prefix from your database hostname. You’re connecting to a database, not a website, so you don’t use the http protocol.

Thanks for the reply. I also removed http but still can’t connect.
My web is photographersdirectory.epizy.com

The @ before all functions causes the error messages to be suppressed. Can you remove those and copy the error messages returned by the functions?

thanks i removed @ from the code but still no error output :frowning:

You also need to enable Display Errors through the Alter PHP Config menu. I’ve enabled it for your account and the correct errors show up now. You should be able to fix the issue now (hint: which password does it say you should use on the MySQL Databases page?).

Thanks It fixed … it worked for 1 hour…but now as I visit the url it redirects to free hosting page maybe my account was suspended? I don’t know whats happening here… I believe that you suspended the account bcz of free hosting? Thank You

Thank You very much , maybe it was cache issue now fixed :slight_smile: Great Thanks