Unable to login into Filezilla FTP

My website URL is: www.linkin.world

What I’m seeing is: Website is working fine. Just want to update the website. Just the ftp is not logging in through Filezilla.

Status: Resolving address of ftpupload.net
Status: Connecting to…
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry…
Status: Resolving address of ftpupload.net
Status: Connecting to…
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Could not connect to server


Maybe your ISP is trying to block connections to the FTP server (like virtua.com.br does). Try using a VPN to use the FTP if it’s blocked to you, or run a traceroute to the FTP server, by executing one of these commands (for Windows it will be the first; for Mac/Linux it will be the second):

tracert ftpupload.net
traceroute ftpupload.net

and post the results here.

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mr ur website is just showing up the directories you have puted no index file

@BESTcodeTZ, he had deleted some files. Please check back later as he will add the new modified ones. And please do a spell check next time to see if your words contain some errors, like “puted” that doesn’t exist and should be replaced with “put”.

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So the server responded, but maybe a firewall on your network blocked the connections on the FTP port or maybe blocked the Explicit SSL connections to it. Try to change as connection method the Explicit FTP to the Plain FTP.

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