Unable to update my WordPress version

My website URL is: hfworld.ooo

What I’m seeing is:I can’t update my website’s WordPress version…it appears to be again update again and again

I’m using this software: WordPress

Additional information:also I can’t post anything…it appears to be blank where I want to write…I want to update my WordPress version… please help me

@Admin please help me…on this topic

Current time in the EU = 1am
Admin sleeps
No need to make new posts - please be patient
thank you

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Okkk thanks…but I really need support…:sob::sob::sob::sob:

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I’m sorry, but I don’t fully understand what the issue is. You are trying to update WordPress? And starting the update from the WordPress admin interface, I assume? And what do you see exactly when you click the update button?

It have been fixed thanks :+1::grinning:

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