Unable to verify domain using CNAME records nor html page based verifications

I was hoping if you could help me figure out why my webpage can’t be verified for SSL Certificate. I used both CNAME based and HTML page based verification. I am using ZeroSSL for certificate.

I dont have much of an information, but i assume it has something to do with the response message that the page recieved. Sending a post request using the browser returns "This site requires Javascript to work, please enable Javascript in your browser or use a browser with Javascript support " so i am assuming that the SSL service is also getting the same response. Any possible solutions?

Please use Free SSL tool provided here instead: https://app.infinityfree.net/ssls


Did you try asking your SSL provider why their verification doesn’t work?

We have our own free SSL certificates tool instead which we know works with our hosting. We also have a KB article explaining why ZeroSSL and sslforfree.com don’t work well with our hosting.

If you insist on using ZeroSSL, then you do you, but there is a reason we rolled our own tool instead of recommending their services.

Yeah i tried to use your recommended one. The GoGetSSL one.
The problem is… the site I run has domain name as “http://volunteer.capskengeri.epizy.com” and when i try to apply for a SSL certificate, i get an error “The subdomain is not the correct format. A subdomain can contain letters, numbers and dashes, but cannot start or end with a dash.”

That’s not a domain name, that’s a website URL.

A domain name looks like volunteer.capskengeri.epizy.com. A domain name does not have a protocol designation, port number, path, query string or anything like that.

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Okay! Thanks… Got it. I’ve never used services to get SSL certificates… this is like the first time… I mostly use Self signed certificates…

okay… problem! How can i get a SSL for volunteer.capskengeri.epizy.com? The current one is just for ’ capskengeri.epizy.com

ZeroSSL does work, but it’s sort of hard. HTML file verification won’t work because of aes.js the anti-bot script which stops all bots incapable of executing this script. CNAME or mail are the only methods that work.


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