Unable to verify domain with adding CNAME records

Hello. Sorry to open threads again. I really need help (and learning). How to fix this? it’s always error. Thank you (mm) 580390abdd4f5.png

Have you read the error message? It actually tells you what you should do.

Yes. But. I try it it still like that. And this is for validation from google webmaster. Thank you.

Yes. But. I try it it still like that. And this is for validation from google webmaster. Thank you.

So if the guide says you should set the target to example.com. you entered example.com (without the trailing dot)? And you still got that error message? If so, can you please tell me the exact values you entered in both fields?

take the first part of the cname record like: godef.ava.cf
well you take the gode and paste it into the record part

the other part that states destination: you paste the whole thing.

with cpanel it doesn’t like (.) in the record name as it automatic puts the label infront of the domain.

i hope that clears it up.

cname recod: first part before the (.)
target: the url/text it states.

Well, I need a bit more information than that if you want me to check the issue for myself. Can you please tell me the exact values you entered (and not a rough description of the values)? You can leave out the domain from the dropdown menu if you don’t want to share that, but I do need the exact values as you entered them in the other fields.