Upload by Visitor

How can visitor upload something like PDF of WORD or image for profile picture ?
More over Infinityfree support that visitor can upload file ?

I can tell that this is possible, how to do this - php tutorials.

@MrJunior said:
I can tell that this is possible, how to do this - php tutorials.

first thank you for replay
and this is possible right ?! and yes PHP tutorials
but you have any working example with php ?

how Its work ?

Google has a lot of it I’m pretty sure.

Well, a profile picture implies that it should be a picture. A picture file is something like a .png, .jpg, .gif or something like that. A .docx or .pdf file is a document file, not an image, so browsers cannot show it as an image.

@MrJunior said:
Google has a lot of it I’m pretty sure.

Well again thank you
and you are right bro
And I found out PHP script and it’s work :slight_smile:

@Admin said:
Well, a profile picture implies that it should be a picture. A picture file is something like a .png, .jpg, .gif or something like that. A .docx or .pdf file is a document file, not an image, so browsers cannot show it as an image.

Aha :slight_smile: