Uploaded html files to htdocs but cannot see website

My website URL is: [http://janellefilkin.epizy.com]

When I go to that URL, all I see is the Epizy.com heading with coloured tabs down each side and related Links (free ecommerce website, free website…to free website hosting) listed in the middle of the page.

I uploaded my html/css/jquery files and scripts that I created in brackets to the htdocs area. The site works locally on my PC. I just need to know if I am typing in the correct URL–it is the name I selected and the name listed in my Infinityfree accounts panel.

I uploaded these files on the 1st of May 2019.

I have created many sites in the past and the site is immediately viewable. Is there something different I have to do with this web hosting site?

Thank you

Hi and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:



please have some more patience (that your ISP gets new DNS data)
or if you want and you have enough knowledge

But also possible reason is this

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