
Please note that it can take up to 72 hours for a new domain name or hosting account to start working everywhere. Learn more.

So my domain was live why is on delay right now

I’m not sure i understand, is your website down?
Please see this topic if so:

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Yes it was live now it wont let me access my portal

I’m sure they just create a hosting account.
And with iFastNet currently down. It’s taking a bit longer for their web to go live.

Thanks for the information wackyblackie. I can do some web design for you if you pay me I can make you a good portfolio .

I am having problems with . It was live and went down. I created a dating portal I just want up back again for clients quick as possible. Its a business you know. Time=Money


You not even setup your domain -_-

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It was live last night

Can I just get a member of staff to look at it?

I already did.

iFastnet is currently down. Got the same issue on my end also, as well as most of the users.


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