Want a community guide for something?

Thanks for your advice, at least -_-

just saying…

doesnt work, im glad i tested

using embeds? or iframe?

it redirects to the statuspage homepage
@anon77371365 can you test it? Link = statuspagetest.greabot.ga

cname linking

nah, it is forbidden according to atlassian, try using iframe

thank you for telling me


Well, it actually worked :smiley:

but tbh I prefer hetrixtools when compared to uptimerobot and statuspage.io

but tbh, its too small

i gotta add the height and width attributes.

Should I try to make a community guide
  • Hell yeah
  • Hell nah
0 voters

oops i voted

for what?(topic?)

ill poll that

so it seems yes
so, what community guide should i make

Hi again.

Is that CloudFlare filtering some Uptime Monitor requests? Because in CF dashboard, I see high and flat amount of requests.

i think so

Hi, everyone, saw a lot of Community Guides coming on… :smiley:

But no one suggested one for me to write :c

1 Like

@anon77371365 Write a tutorial about how to create an epic Sounder-like website.