Web Site not working

My website URL is:

Main domain

What I’m seeing is:
I have uploaded the required file and folder
Have tried and my web site wont display

I’m using this software:


Additional information:

I have loaded the files and the web site does not display
attached photo of folder and file

To let your website work directly, you should remove the index2.html file and rename the KEY Yearbook.html file to index.html.

I did as suggested but the index.html file keeps disappearing!


Help Thanks

You need to make sure the file size for your HTML file doesn’t exceed the 1 MB limit. So if you have assets on your HTML file that take up the size then move it to separate files and include them in the HTML file with either the link, the img or the script tag, depending on which type of thing you want to import.


Ik thanks I am new to this . But I believe the html is to large. I will work with and see if I can get it to work
Thanks the fast response and help


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