Website not loading

**My website URL is:**

What I’m seeing is: This site can’t be reached ’s server IP address could not be found.


**I’m using this software:**wordpress, chrome

**Additional information:**My hosting plan and domain is active

Try removing the domain and re-add it on a hosting account here on InfinityFree with the “Addon Domains” section of the Control Panel. That should push the changes to the network, and should take at least 24 hours for the changes to be applied.

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It could be possible that you’re domain is pointing to the wrong servers.
Pls check your nameservers if you’re using the correct ones, If you’re not sure please check this KB article for more details:

Also when did you add the site? If recently please wait for the dns to get updated, it usually takes up to 24 hrs for the domain to fully propagate. BTW did you also use Cloudflare?

I follow your instruction but i get this error when i click on add domain in control panel "This appears to be a subdomain you are adding (1008485) "

Insist adding the domain, or wait for iFastNet to fix this bug.

My domain is not pointing to the wrong server i am very sure of that because i have other site that i manage, it’s more than 24 hours ago that i added it, it was actually working, then i installed wordpress and a new theme, it was in the process of customizing the new theme that this error just came up. When it was not working i tried Cloudflare

thanks for your effort

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You are welcome.

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