Website not working

username epiz_31962172

For a unknown reason I’m seeing this error 520 on my website.
And i have no idea how to fix it.

I have tried to disable my quic cloud CDN it started working. But I want to use CDN. Some how the hosting service blocking CDN IPs

How do i know my website is blocking IPs if I’m not using any firewalls

If you don’t have any IP restrictions configured, then it is not your problem (or the hosting’s problem). You may have to contact QUIC.Cloud support.

Also, we don’t have a guide on how to configure QUIC.Cloud, but we do for Cloudflare. Cloudflare also has a built-in CDN and HTTP/3+QUIC support.


May you are not understanding this I think the hosting server is blocking the CDN IP i just want to know is this possible my site can block cdn ip even if I’m not using a firewall?

I think I did, which is why I wrote this:

Emphasis on “or the hosting’s problem.”

I think maybe you are the one that doesn’t understand…

Maybe you should switch to Cloudflare.


Ok i understand but
I want to ask why do error 520 appears any reason?


And how do i know i have IP restrictions

If you didn’t set any up, then there are none.


I was using cloudflare then i shifted to long ago.
But some how they both are effecting site.

The page rules from cloudflare are still effecting the site.
And i can change dns from both services.

Is this the problem?
Page rules like don’t cache for admin.

Cloudflare’s page rules only take effect if you are using Cloudflare. Also, they have nothing to do with the connection between Cloudflare and the origin (InfinityFree).

So I am confused as to what you mean.

Maybe the actual error is that you did not setup Cloudflare correctly.

Follow this guide to do it the right way:


Thanks but i set-up the cloudflare correctly as you mentioned in article long ago. And later I was shifted to now changing the Nameservers back to cloudflare. To get more time to fix the error with

The site is working fine with out CDN

This is what I see now


This may help


Just fixed. It happened because I changed NS back to cloudflare.

SSL problem is fixed now I’m facing error 500 Since changed NS to cloudflare recently. It will take some time.

Working for me


Thanks wackyblackie, Greenreader9 and Kangjl for helping site working again. But i can’t use for now.

Thanks Again.

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